(1) Please consider volunteering for a time slot at Santa House (see Mike's email for details). This year it will be from Tuesday, November 28th through Saturday, December 2 at Storyline Church, West 64th Avenue and Indiana Street. If you wish to volunteer, please complete the form and email it to Cheryl Norton,nortonha2693487@gmail.com.
(2) Arvada Rotary’s Salvation Army Bell Ringing will be on Saturday, December 2 at the King Soopers at W 64th Avenue and McIntyre Street. The only shift that is available is 5 to 7 pm. If you are interested, please contact Linda Nedved,msesqlkn@aol.com.
(3) "Creativity Though the Years" Art Grant for North Arvada Middle School has been approved
(4) Fleece Blanket tying at Covenant Living. Tuesday, Nov 28th, 5-8 pm. Bring a pair of scissors if you can.
(5) The Empty Bowl - Thursday, Nov 30th, 5 pm at Arvada High School - Fundraiser for The Community Table. Purchase a handmade bowl and enjoy a light soup supper.
AWRSAY scholarship award winners
If you would like to be a part of the Sole Hope Grant that we are proposing, please contact Heidi
Please consider what you can give to help end Polio
Here is a copy of our 'Ad' Donation to be in Music and Theatre programs at Ralston Valley High School. They are fundraising for new microphones for their auditorium because the frequency they are on was sold to someone else.
Purchase you're gifts thru Amazon Smile website and a % will come back to support
Arvada Sunrise Rotary
when buying things on Amazon
go to https://smile.amazon.com
Select ASR as your favorite and use this link every time you, your family or friends shop